All Main Campus Libraries and the Southampton branch will be closed for Thanksgiving break, beginning Wednesday, 5:00pm. Thursday, November 26 through Saturday, November 28 libraries will be closed. Main Campus and Southampton libraries resume regular hours Sunday, November 29.
Related links:
University Libraries hours
Winter regular and intersession hours
Friday, November 20, 2009
All Libraries Closed November 26 - 28
Posted by
Darren Chase
10:08 AM
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Time to Return or Renew Library Materials
Graduate Students, Faculty, Management Confidential, Emeritus and Professional staff who currently have borrowed library material due Dec. 21, 2009, from the Main, Music and/or the Science/Engineering Library, are urged to return or renew at this time.
For those renewing, the new due date will be May 18, 2010. Items already renewed 3 times, must be returned and may then be checked out again.
For information on how to renew online via STARS/OPAC, please go to the URL below. To renew in person, please present your ID card to service desk staff. It is not necessary to bring the material into the library in order to have them renewed. Overdue material can not be renewed. There are no phone renewals.
Posted by
Melville Library
3:38 PM
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Census 2010 Workshop on 11/17 at 1 PM
Is your native language English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Russian or one of 52 other languages? This workshop will cover what is collected as basic Census information and how this Census differs from all previous ones. Come find out:
- How to find population data and other statistics for your research
- How the Census and the American Community Survey differ from each other
- How government education and other grant money is distributed according to Decennial (every 10 years) Census results?
- How private is the information you provide? What if I'm not a citizen? Where do students fill out the Census?
Location: Melville Library, 1st Floor, Classroom A
Register at
Posted by
Melville Library
10:20 AM
Research 911! Workshop on 11/16 @ 1 PM
Help!! Thought you could bang that paper out no problem, but you have more questions than answers? Bring your questions to this unstructured workshop and have them answered. Learn how to:
- Locate that article you can’t find but really want
- Find more and better sources for your paper
- Correctly cite material used
Location: Melville Library, 1st Floor, Classroom A
Just drop in or register @
Posted by
Melville Library
10:05 AM
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men on 11/11
Melville Library Author Series: Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men featuring Michael Kimmel, Professor of Sociology.
To a growing list of books about the myths and mysteries of American boys and young males, Michael Kimmel, Professor of Sociology, adds this deft exploration grounded in research. Published by HarperCollins, Guyland is based on more than 400 interviews over a four-year span with young men, ages 16–26. "Michael Kimmel's Guyland could save the humanity of many young men—and the sanity of their friends and parents—by explaining the forces behind a newly extended adolescence. With accuracy and empathy, he names the problem and offers compassionate bridges to adulthood."- Gloria Steinem
Date: Wednesday, November 11 @ 12:45 PM
Location: Melville Library, 2nd Floor, Javits Room
Posted by
Melville Library
10:37 AM
Monday, November 09, 2009
Graduate Level Education and Teaching Workshop on 11/11 @ 1 PM
Research Skills for Graduate Level Education and Teaching
If any of the statements below sound familiar then you need to attend this workshop.
"I've been attending this school for 5 years but I've never been up to the stacks. Can you help me?"
"I'm starting to write my graduate thesis and I'm not sure where to start. Can you help me?"
"My professor gave back my thesis outline and told me that I have to use only scholarly sources. How do I find those"?
"Can you please read over my paper to check it for spelling and grammar".
In this workshop you will learn how to:
- Narrow down your subject areas
- Do a review of the literature in your field
- Find books in STARS by various methods
- Use the library's education subject guide databases to find articles
- Do a super search of the above databases with a federated search engine called Galaxy
- Find other library resources such as e-books, research guides by subject area
Location: Melville Library, 1st Floor, Classroom A
Register at .
Posted by
Melville Library
2:27 PM
Advanced EndNote Workshop on 11/10 @ Noon
For those who are using EndNote already, but have specific questions, or want to learn how to take advantage of ALL the advanced features and customization options. EndNote Advanced offers:
- Customize filters and output styles
- Attaching PDF documents, objects and images
- Footnotes and figure numbering
- Creating term lists and a traveling library
Location: Melville Library, 1st Floor, Classroom A
Register at .
Posted by
Melville Library
2:23 PM
Friday, November 06, 2009
The Mysteries of Microfilm Revealed! on 11/9
Stony Brook Library contains over two million books, but did you know it also has over 4 million items on microfilm and related formats? And much of the material is unavailable on the internet or in online databases. Collections include historic newspapers from Long Island and around the world, O.S.S. intelligence reports from WW II, 16th century documents from Spanish colonies in Mexico, pamphlets from the Women’s Movement, underground papers from the 1960s, NASA reports, Four Centuries of Spanish and German Drama, and much, much more! You’ll never be afraid of microfilm again… In this session you will learn:
- Just what is microfilm anyway?! And is it the same as microfiche?
- Some of the interesting collections available at the library
- How to locate microforms using STARS and print indexes & guides
- How to find that exact roll of microfilm you want
- How to print from microfilm, microfiche and the other formats
Location: Melville Library, 1st Floor, Classroom A
Register @
Posted by
Melville Library
3:51 PM
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
WorldCat: The World at Your Fingertips on 11/4
What if there was a catalog that you could use to search almost all the books, DVDs, articles, music and other materials in all the libraries in the world? There is! With WorldCat you can:
- Find materials in libraries near you
- One-click order materials via SBU Libraries interlibrary loan
- Create and share lists of items
- Build bibliographies for your research
- Integrate your WorldCat searching in Facebook and Firefox
Location: Melville Library, 1st Floor, Classroom A
Register @
Posted by
Melville Library
10:40 AM
SciFinder Web Workshop on 11/4 @ 2:30 PM
This session will demonstrate how to use one of the premier online databases for searching chemical information, SciFinder. Learn how to:
- Create a SciFinder Web account
- Search for articles, structures and reactions
- Set up automatic search alerts
Location: Melville Library, 1st floor, Classroom A
Posted by
Melville Library
10:35 AM
Turn Your Learn On Workshop on 11/3 @ 1:30 PM
Turn Your Learn On: YouTube, iTunes and Other Web Multimedia for Researchers
Sure YouTube is a lot of fun, but have you ever used it for a class presentation or research project? For the arts, sciences and everything in between there are riches of multimedia content available online. Tap into this wealth of resources to include multimedia in your research and classwork. In this workshop learn:
- How to search for multimedia content online -- including images, video and audio
- How to cite online multimedia in your research
- How to insert multimedia in a presentation and on Blackboard
- Web tools for organizing and sharing media content
Posted by
Melville Library
10:18 AM