On Saturday, May 17, the Library’s George Washington letter, written in 1779, made its first trip off-campus for a public viewing. The occasion was the designation of The Brewster House (c.1665) in Setauket being placed on the New York State and National Registers of Historic Places. One Brewster, Caleb, played an important role in the Long Island spy ring during the American Revolution, as described in General Washington’s letter. Accompanying the letter to the event were Kristen Nyitray, Richie Feinberg, and in costume, Maryanne Vigneaux and Chris Filstrup. Photographs of the event reside in the upper right side of the Library's official blog, The Screen Porch.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Distinguished Student Employee Award
The University Libraries Distinguished Student Employee Award for 2008 was awarded to Muhammad Habibullah.
Muhammad has been employed in the Interlibrary Loan Department as a student assistant since 2005 and has developed into a invaluable member of the team. Muhammad is an undergraduate student majoring in U.S. History. He is very active as an RA in Dewey College, and serves as a mentor to over 30 students. He has strong leadership qualities, has taken on some administrative responsibilities, assisted with opening and helping develop student programs for Dewey College, including work on a successful interactive program for Black History Month in which he did a simulation of the Underground Railroad.
Muhammad is also the president of the Stony Brook Film Club. The film club promotes film making on campus, and holds discussions on various clips and film styles. Muhammad is an member of the MSA (the Muslim Student Association), an organization which helps Muslim students on campus practice their faith, promote fellowship, open dialog, and form solidarity on campus. He is currently working in the HSC on research in cell signalling receptors. Muhammad's goal after college is to go onto medical school and become a primary care physician in the speciality of family practice. Muhammad enjoys the hands-on approach to medicine and wants to relieve the pain and suffering of others. He feels a doctor's most important task is to care for their patients by providing a helping, caring hand and making sure they can get through whatever medical problems they may have without stress and complications.
Posted by
Melville Library
12:29 PM
Thomas Jefferson Award Recipient
Erin O'Donnell was this years recipient of the 2008 Thomas Jefferson Award.
Erin is an undergraduate student studying Biochemistry with minors in Philosophy and Women's Studies. She has worked in the Interlibrary Loan department for the past year as a student assistant. Even with her demanding course load and work responsibilities Erin has gotten heavily involved in the campus community and is currently the treasurer for the Students Taking Aim at Challenges (STAC) whose mission is to bring awareness to the university community of disabilities in order to bring changes to negative perspectives and demand campus accessibility. She is a current member of the Social Justice Alliance (SJA), which is part of the global justice movement committed to struggle for community democracy and social justice. She is also a member of the Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance FMLA whose members work to raise consciousness about the systematic oppression of women and minorities in our society. Erin's goals after college is to become a research scientist in the medical field, working to increase knowledge about the mechanisms of human diseases in order to find better treatments. She also aspires to become a better person and looks forward to opportunities to give back to the world with kindness, generosity, and encouragement.
Congratulations Erin!
Posted by
Melville Library
12:24 PM
Student Staff Appreciation Award Nominee
Nina Scollo was nominated for the 2008 Student Employee of the Year Award by her supervisor Stephanie Gaylor. Nina works in the Serials Department of Technical Services and was the only Library Student Staff nominated for this year's award. Nina is a mature individual who takes her responsibilities in the library very seriously. She is pro-active in helping out various departments within Technical Services and is motivated to learn new skills. She is an independent worker and produces work of high quality. Her maturity and high quality work is something her department has grown to depend on. Nina is a active member in NSNA (National Student Nurses Association), Pre-Nursing Society at SBU and is a Stony Brook Hospital Volunteer. She is a member of the Greenly College Leg, learning communities programs and the American Cancer Society. She is also a member of the library club.
Congratulations Nina on your nomination for Student Employee of the Year!
Posted by
Melville Library
12:18 PM
Student Staff Appreciation Luncheon
The 5th annual student staff pizza party was a complete success! The library social events team hosts this annual event as an expression of the library's appreciation for the hard work our student staff do all year long. Hacky Sacks and SBU Libraries pens/highlighters were given to each student. Library Faculty/Staff contributed salad, soda, fruit and delicious baked desserts to add to the festivities. The Thomas Jefferson Award plague, and the University Libraries Distinguished Student Employee Award trophy were presented to this year's award recipients. This year's luncheon allowed the student supervisors and student staff to take time out of their hectic day and express that each person's work is valued.
Posted by
Melville Library
12:09 PM
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Reminder: Library Extended Hours May 12-19
The Central and North Reading Rooms will stay open extra hours each day of the week.
Sunday - Thursday until 4.00 a.m.
Friday and Saturday until 12.00 a.m.
Circulation Services, including Reserve Material, will not be extended!
The Rules:
- Uniformed guards will help maintain a clean, quiet, and safe study space.
- SBU IDs are required to enter the Reading Rooms after Midnight Sunday - Thursday and after 8.00 p.m. Saturday
- The No Food and Drink Policy (except bottled water) will be strictly enforced.
Posted by
Melville Library
9:29 AM
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Summer Session Hours
Friday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday CLOSED
Posted by
Melville Library
4:52 PM
Southampton Library summer schedule
Southampton Library summer (May 21 to Sept. 1, 2008) schedule
July 14 to Aug. 21 (summer session 2, six courses will be offered)
Open 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. (Mon. to Friday)
Closed weekends
May 21 to July 13 and Aug. 22 to Sept. 1
Posted by
Melville Library
12:32 PM
SBU Extended Hours for finals May 12 to 19
8:30 a.m. - 4 a.m. (Sunday - Thursday)
8:30 a.m. - 12 midnight (Friday)
10:00 a.m. - 12 midnight (Saturday)
Posted by
Melville Library
12:31 PM
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Time to Renew Library Material
Faculty, Management Confidential, Emeritus and Professional staff who currently have borrowed library material due May 20, 2007, from the Main, Music and/or the Science/Engineering Library, are urged to renew at this time. The new due date will be December 23, 2008.
Items already renewed 3 times, must be returned and may then be checked out again. For information on how to renew online via STARS/OPAC, please go here.
To renew in person, please present your ID card to service desk staff. It is not necessary to bring the material into the library in order to have them renewed. Overdue material can not be renewed. There are no phone renewals.
Thank you.
Posted by
Melville Library
12:52 PM