Our research tutorial, the SBU Library Research Guide, has been recognized by MERLOT - the Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning Online and Teaching (http://www.merlot.org/)! MERLOT is a "digital library and an online community of faculty who are collaborating to increase the quantity of high-quality web-based, interactive teaching and learning materials." The primary audience is instructors interested in using technology in higher education.
You can access the SBU Library Research Guide by typing "Stony Brook" in the Search Materials box on MERLOT's website. The tutorial is one of 11 materials from Stony Brook.
The tutorial is also available on the library website (click on the Research Tutorial link under Help) or you may go directly to http://www.stonybrook.edu/library/tutorial/. Please note that we are in the process of updating the Finding Articles section of the tutorial due to a database subscription change.
Congratulations to Janet Clarke and Godlind Johnson, co-authors of the tutorial.
Friday, February 29, 2008
SBU Library Research Guide Recognized by MERLOT
Posted by
Melville Library
11:00 AM
Library Research Workshop on March 5th
The library instruction program is offering the following workshop next week. To sign up vistit the library homepage > Library Instruction > Register for a Workshop.
Additional sections of this or any other workshop may be scheduled for any group of 5 or more. For a full description of all the workshops available upon request and for the request form, see the Library Homepage, http://www.stonybrook.edu/library, click on Library Instruction and click on “Library Workshops.”
Posted by
Melville Library
10:48 AM
Friday, February 22, 2008
February 22nd: Classes Cancelled
Due to the weather conditions, classes scheduled for today, Friday, February 22 have been cancelled as of 11 AM. This applies to Stony Brook, SB Southampton and SB Manhattan campuses. University Police advise that driving conditions are treacherous and urge you to take all precautions.
See http://www.stonybrook.edu/sb/emergency/status.shtml for more information.
Posted by
Melville Library
10:31 AM
Monday, February 18, 2008
Federated Search - an Introduction to Galaxy on Feb. 26
Not sure what the term "federated search" actually means? Looking for tips to make research easier? Sign up for this workshop that provides an introduction to the latest research tool brought to you by the library.
Remember additional sections of these and/or other workshops may be scheduled for any group of 5 or more. For a full description of all the workshops available upon request and for the request form, see the Library Homepage, http://www.stonybrook.edu/library, click on Library Instruction and click on “Library Workshops.”
Contact: Janet Clarke, Head of Instruction 632-1217 or Janet.Clarke@stonybrook.edu
Posted by
Melville Library
12:33 PM
Maximum Keyword Searching Workshop on Feb. 27th
- MAXIMUM Keyword Searching
Additional sections of these and/or other workshops may be scheduled for any group of 5 or more. For a full description of all the workshops available upon request and for the request form, see the Library Homepage, http://www.stonybrook.edu/library, click on Library Instruction and click on “Library Workshops.”
Posted by
Melville Library
9:51 AM
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Library Research Workshop
Are you new to the university and not sure where to start when working on assignments? Have you been here a semester already and want to work on improving your grades? Maybe you want to impress your friends with your knowledge of obscure subject headings. If any of these statements apply to you, the library is here to help. We are offering the following workshop on library research next week.
This workshop will be offered again on Wednesday, March 5, 2008 @ 12 PM.
Additional sections of these and/or other workshops may be scheduled for any group of 5 or more. For a full description of all the workshops available upon request and for the request form, see the Library Homepage, http://www.stonybrook.edu/library, click on Library Instruction and click on “Library Workshops.”
Posted by
Melville Library
10:09 AM
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Explore the Galaxy!
Are you an early adopter? Want to be one of the first to use the library's new federated search system? Workshops start this week.
To sign up, visit the Library's Instruction page at http://naples.cc.stonybrook.edu/lib/libforms.nsf/tours.
Posted by
Melville Library
9:27 PM