Faculty, Management Confidential and Professional staff who currently have library materials from the Main, Music and Science/Engineering Libraries with a due date of Dec. 22, 2006 are urged to renew at this time.
The new due date, after properly renewing, will be May 15, 2007.
For information on how to renew via STARS/OPAC, please visit the circulation page.
Use your NetID and NetID password to log in to your account.
To renew in person, please present your ID card to service desk staff. It is not necessary to bring the material into the library in order to have them renewed. There are no phone renewals.
Thank you.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Time to Renew !
Posted by
Melville Library
11:57 AM
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Library and TLT Team Up For Workshops
On January 10th and 11th Stony Brook's new Teaching, Learning and Technology Department (CELT, Educational Technologies & Instructional Computing) and the Library will be offering workshops for all faculty, staff, and graduate teaching assistants who are interested in exploring teaching, learning and technology. See the registration page for time and day details.
Workshops include:
.: ARTstor - Not Just For Art Classes!
.: Blackboard 7.1 - Classroom management
.: Blackboard 7.1 Discussion Board - New & Improved?
.: Blackboard Faculty Showcase
.: Creating Home Movies
.: Creating Podcasts with Garageband
.: E-Government and Library Resources for New York State and Long Island
.: Empowering Learning in Higher Education - Apple Computers
.: Enhanced Podcasts for Windows using PowerPoint and Producer
.: Introduction to Endnote X
.: Personal Knowledge Management - Strategies and software to handle information overload
.: Podcasting Roundtable
.: Stony Brook Space: The University Libraries' Digital Repository
.: Teaching, Learning and Technology Resources at Stony Brook University
.: Ten Surprising Web Resources to Help Undergraduate Research
.: The Power and Pitfalls of Google Scholar
.: The TEACH Act for Instructors
Registration is free, however you must register for each workshop that you would like to attend.
To register and for more information, visit our registration website: http://apu.celt.sunysb.edu/joomla/
Sessions that have fewer then 5 participants will be canceled.
If you have questions, please contact :
Diana Pedagno Voss
Coordinator of Instructional Computing Services
Posted by
Melville Library
3:28 PM