Special Collections and University Archives has created a new exhibit that chronicles 50 years of Stony Brook University. The display features over 100 photographs, posters, and brochures from the archives that highlight defining moments in the University's history.
The exhibit is located on the second floor of the Melville Library, between Special Collections and the Javits Room.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
New Exhibit Chronicles the History of Stony Brook University
Posted by
Melville Library
1:55 PM
Monday, November 26, 2007
Time to Renew
All students must be registered for the Winter or Spring semester in order to qualify for library borrowing privileges. After registering, it can take 24 to 36 hours for registration information to be reflected on your borrowing record. At that time, you may renew your material at the library or online.
All students who currently have library materials checked out must return them before Dec. 21, 2007 or renew them online via their STARS account in order to avoid late fees. Items that have been renewed more than three times must be returned in person. You will then be able to check them back out if necessary.
All library patrons are responsible for checking their STARS accounts online to ensure that items have been properly renewed and that no materials are overdue. Patrons are liable for any library fines accrued.
For information on how to renew via STARS, please go to the URL:
To renew in person, please present your ID card to service desk staff. It is not necessary to bring the material into the library in order to have them renewed. There are no phone renewals. Thank you.
Posted by
Melville Library
8:34 PM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Norman Mailer, 1923-2007
The library has a great deal of information by, and about, the late Norman Mailer.
In STARS, the library catalog, you can find materials by searching:
Posted by
Melville Library
11:32 AM
Friday, November 09, 2007
Sci. & Eng. Library Closed Fri 5pm thru Saturday
The Science and Engineering Library's 1st floor will be closed from 5pm Friday (Nov 9) through Saturday (Nov 10) while new flooring is installed in the front entrance area.
The 2nd floor of Science and Engineering will be accessible through the Central Reading Room.
For urgently needed materials please ask at the Central Reading Room Reference Desk and we will try to accommodate your request.
The library is expected to resume normal hours on Sunday (Nov 11).
Posted by
Melville Library
4:00 PM
Thursday, November 08, 2007
New Videos! The Criterion Collection
The Library has acquired about 85% of The Criterion Collection of DVDs, and will continue to collect titles as they are produced. The collection includes about 400 movies in DVD format, a little over half of which have already been cataloged and added to the Video Collection on the Library's Third Floor.
The Criterion Collection is a continuing series of the greatest classic and contemporary films from around the world published in editions that offer the highest technical quality and award-winning, original supplements. Criterion began with a mission to pull the treasures of world cinema out of the film vaults and put them in the hands of collectors. All of the films published under the Criterion banner represent cinema at its finest.
The foundation of the collection is the work of such masters of cinema as Renoir, Godard, Kurosawa, Cocteau, Fellini, Bergman, Tarkovsky, Hitchcock, Fuller, Lean, Kubrick, Lang, Sturges, Dreyer, Eisenstein, Ozu, Sirk, Bunuel, Powell and Pressburger. Each film is presented uncut, in its original aspect ratio, as its maker intended it to be seen. For every disc, Criterion tracks down the best available film elements in the world, uses state-of-the-art telecine equipment and a select few colorists capable of meeting our rigorous standards, and takes time during the film-to-video digital transfer to create the most pristine possible image and sound. It works with directors and cinematographers to assure that the look of releases does justice to their intentions. Supplements enable viewers to appreciate Criterion films in context, through audio commentaries by filmmakers and scholars, restored director's cuts, deleted scenes, documentaries, shooting scripts, early shorts, and storyboards. [reproduced in part from The Criterion site]
For example, the collection includes such works as:
3 Films by Louis Malle
Alexander Nevsky
Early Spring
Elevator to the Gallows
Hiroshima Mon Amour
Miss Julie
The Man Who Fell to Earth
Pandora's Box
Peeping Tom
The Scarlett Empress
The Wages of Fear
Jimi Plays Monterey
and a longer list can be found by searching STARS .
Posted by
Melville Library
3:12 PM
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Science of Synthesis Workshop
A workshop on how to use the online version of the Science of Synthesis
Thursday, November 8th from 3:30pm -4:30pm
Library Classroom A, Central Reading Room, 1st Floor of the Melville Library
About the Science of Synthesis
The premier reference source for organic and organometallic synthetic strategies. Search over 18,000 reactions and 80,000 structures. In addition, access to the entire archive of the classic reference work Houben-Weyl is available. Houben-Weyl contains over 146,000 experimental synthetic procedures, 580,000 structures and 700,000 references in synthetic organic chemistry dating from the 1800s.
Access the Science of Synthesis.
Please email Dana Antonucci at dana.antonucci@stonybrook.edu if you plan on attending.
Posted by
Melville Library
4:27 PM
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
November Library Workshop
Citations: How to read ‘em & how to write ‘em
Wednesday, November 7, 2007 @1 PM
Library Classroom A, Central Reading Room
In this workshop you will:
- learn how to recognize a citation for a book, an article, or a website.
- become familiar with the components of a citation and how to locate the source it represents.
- get an overview of different citation styles one can use when writing an article or paper.
- learn why correct usage is important when trying to avoid plagiarism in your own work.
Posted by
Melville Library
2:34 PM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
October Library Workshops
Managing Your Research Using Endnote: Advanced Endnote
Thursday, October 25, 2007 @ 2:00-3:30 PM
Library Classroom A, Central Reading Room
For those who are using EndNote already, but have specific questions or want to learn how to take advantage of all the advanced features and customization options, e.g. customize filters and output styles, attaching pdf documents, attaching objects/images, figure numbering, footnotes, creating term lists, traveling library.
Searching the Internet like a Pro: Tips for Expert Searching
Tuesday, October 23, 2007 @ 2:30 PM
Library Classroom A, Central Reading Room
There is so much more online than you think. Find out about tools and tips for searching online. Whether you’re looking for articles for a research paper or for personal use, this workshop will surely inform. Find out what meta-search engines are and all about the Deep (or Invisible) Web. Also learn a little about evaluating what you find. Bring questions and tips and tricks to share with others, we can all learn from each other. Send questions ahead by email.
Posted by
Melville Library
4:43 PM
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
National Coming Out Day - Oct. 11
Come out and enjoy a full day of events for Stony Brook's first Annual National Coming Out Day, including the library exhibit.
The library is hosting an exhibit for National Coming Out Day on Oct.11 - a time for everyone gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and straight - to talk openly and honestly about who they are and why LGBT equality matters to them. The exhibit is located in the Galleria of the Frank Melville Library.
Kristen Nyitray, Head of Special Collections, and Jason Torre, University Archivist, have put together an exhibit using archival material from the Gay and Lesbian Community Collection and the University Archives. This includes memorabilia and materials from the LI Pride Parade and also the LGBT community on campus.
For more information on the collection, go to the Special Collections, Gay and Lesbian Community Collection site.
Posted by
Melville Library
12:34 PM
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
October Library Workshops
Where are the Journal Articles?
Thursday, October 11, 2007 @2:30 PM
Library Classroom A, Central Reading Room
You’ve been asked to write a research paper using at least three journal articles from peer-reviewed journals. What does that mean and how do you find them?
This workshop will go over what peer-reviewed means, where to find the articles, how to find out if an article is or isn’t peer-reviewed and which databases are best for which subject matter.
STARS: Finding Books and other stuff @ SBU Libraries
Friday, October 5, 2007 @ 11 AM
Library Classroom A, Central Reading Room
STARS is Stony Brook’s online library catalog.
In this workshop learn how to use STARS to:
- Find books
- Find Journals
- Review your borrower information
- Renew books online
- Get Course Reserves
- Plus much more...
Posted by
Melville Library
12:48 PM
Monday, September 17, 2007
September Library Workshops
Library Research: The Basics
Monday, September 24, 2007 @ 3 PM
You have a 15 page paper due and don’t know where to begin. In this workshop, learn how to get started doing research, where to look for information (books, articles, and websites), narrowing your topic down, using subject headings vs. keywords, evaluating sources and creating a bibliography.
Managing Your Research Using Endnote: Basic Skills
Friday, September 28, 2007 @ 10:00 AM – 11:30 PM
Creating the bibliography is often the most tedious part of writing a research paper. Using EndNote, a bibliographic management software program, this task just became much easier. In this workshop learn the basics of: how to download results from a literature search into EndNote, and then into a MS Word document, and manage several lists at the same time.
Posted by
Melville Library
12:29 PM
Monday, August 27, 2007
Upcoming Library Workshops
The following Library Workshops are scheduled for September, October, and November. This is an at-a-glance overview of what we're offering this semester. More detailed announcements will be posted closer to the individual workshop dates.
All workshops take place in Library Classroom A in the Central Reading Room. They last about one hour, unless otherwise noted. More information about workshops and registration can be found on the Instruction webpage.
Sep 24, 3.00-4.00 -- Library Research: The Basics
Sep 28, 10.00-12.30 -- Managing Your Research Using EndNote: Basic Skills
Oct 5, 11.00-12.00 -- STARS: Finding Books and Other Stuff @ SBU Libraries
Oct 11, 2.30-3.30 -- Where Are the Journal Articles?
Oct 17, 1.00- 2.00 -- Extreme Googling
Oct 18, 2.00-3.30 -- Managing Your Research Using EndNote: Basic Skills
Oct 23, 2.30-3.30 -- Searching the Internet Like a Pro: Tips for Expert Searching
Oct 25, 2.00-3.30 -- Managing Your Research Using EndNote: Advanced EndNote
Nov 7, 1.00-2.00 -- Citations: How to Read 'em & How to Write 'em
Posted by
Melville Library
9:41 AM
Library Tours
Take a tour of the Melville Library’s main public service areas. Learn about our collections and services and get some freebies while you’re here. Meet us @ the Central Reading Room, Melville Library. All tours run about 30 minutes. Check the Library Instruction-Tours website for more details.
The Fall Semester Tour Schedule:
September 7 @ 11AM
September 12 @ 1 PM
September 20 @ 2:30 PM
September 26 @ 1 PM
October 2 @ 4 PM
October 12 @ 1 PM
Posted by
Melville Library
9:32 AM
Monday, April 30, 2007
Summer Borrowing Privileges
All students (including doctoral candidates) must be registered for the Summer or Fall semester in order to qualify for Summer library borrowing privileges.
After registering, it can take 24 to 36 hours for registration information to be reflected on your borrowing record. At that time, you may renew your material at the library or online. All library patrons are responsible for checking their STARS accounts online to ensure that items have been properly renewed and that no materials are overdue. Patrons are liable for any library fines accrued.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Posted by
Melville Library
11:30 AM
It's Time to Renew Your Library Material
Faculty, Management Confidential, Emeritus and Professional staff who currently have library material with a due date of May 15, 2007 from the Main, Music and/or the Science/Engineering Library are urged to renew at this time. The new due date, after properly renewing, will be Dec. 21, 2007.
Information on how to renew online via STARS/OPAC
To renew in person, please present your ID card to service desk staff. It is not necessary to bring the material into the library in order to have them renewed. There are no phone renewals. There is a three time renewal limit per book. Thank you.
Posted by
Melville Library
11:28 AM
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Melville Library Author Series
Elof Carlson to Discuss His Book "Times of Triumph, Times of Doubt: Science and the Battle for Public Trust"
Thursday, April 26 at 4:30 p.m. - Javits Room, Melville Library (second floor)
The intent and uses of science are a continuing preoccupation, especially in public debates on issues such as new pharmaceuticals, cloning, stem cells, genetically modified foods, and assisted reproduction. Times of Triumph, Times of Doubt, written by eminent geneticist and historian Elof Carlson, explores the moral foundations of science and their role in these hot button issues.
Sponsored by the University Libraries.
Elof Carlson is Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus, Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology at Stony Brook University.
Posted by
Melville Library
2:45 PM
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Melville Library Author Series
Paul Edelson to Discuss His Book "Drawing on Experience in Adult and Continuing Education"
Tuesday, April 17 at 4:30 p.m. - Javits Room, Melville Library (second floor)
Based upon his experiences and scholarship, Dr. Paul Edelson, Dean of the School of Professional Development, will present an overview of present-day continuing higher education from the perspective of a senior level administrator. His book examines continuing education as it is practiced in an urban community college, at a major national museum, and at a premier research university. Topics to be discussed include program development and administration, leadership, creativity and innovation, e-learning, staffing, budgeting, and the culture of higher education. Reception to follow.
Sponsored by the University Libraries.
Posted by
Melville Library
9:40 AM
Monday, April 09, 2007
Extreme Googling Workshop - April 11
Extreme Googling Workshop
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Central Reading Room, classroom A
12 PM
Posted by
Melville Library
11:19 AM
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Melville Library Author Series
Shirley Lim to Discuss "A Feeling of Belonging: Asian American Women's Popular Culture, 1930-1960"
Wednesday, April 11 at 7 p.m. - Javits Room, Melville Library (second floor)
In A Feeling of Belonging, Shirley Lim highlights the cultural activities of young, predominantly unmarried Asian American women from 1930 to 1960. This period marks a crucial generation—the first in which American-born Asians formed a critical mass and began to make their presence felt in the United States. Dr. Lim traces the diverse ways in which these young women sought claim to cultural citizenship, exploring such topics as the nation's first Asian American sorority, Chi Alpha Delta; the cultural work of Chinese American actress Anna May Wong; Asian American youth culture and beauty pageants; and the achievement of fame of three foreign-born Asian women in the late 1950s. By wearing poodle skirts, going to the beach, and producing magazines, she argues, they asserted not just their American-ness, but their humanity: a feeling of belonging.
Shirley Lim is Assistant Professor of History at Stony Brook University.
Posted by
Melville Library
3:07 PM
Monday, March 19, 2007
Melville Library Author Series
Stephen Spector to Discuss "Operation Solomon: The Daring Rescue of Ethiopian Jews"
Wednesday, March 28 at 4 p.m. - Javits Room, Melville Library (second floor)
"Operation Solomon" was one of the most remarkable rescue efforts in modern history, in which more than 14,000 Ethiopian Jews were airlifted to Israel in little more than a day. Now, in this riveting volume, Stephen Spector offers the definitive account of this incredible story, based on over 200 interviews and exclusive access to confidential documents. Spector recounts how 20,000 Jews were willingly lured from their ancestral villages to Addis Ababa, expecting to be taken quickly from there to the Holy Land. Instead, they became pawns in a struggle between the Israeli government and Ethiopia's repressive dictator, who tried to coerce Israel into selling him weapons he needed in a losing war against rebel armies. Recounting the full story for the first time, Operation Solomon is a stirring account of a heroic rescue achieved in the face of daunting odds.
Stephen Spector is Professor and Chairperson of English at
Stony Brook University.
Posted by
Melville Library
10:54 AM
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Video/DVD Collection is MOVING
The Video/DVD Collection is moving . . .
Where: Main Library Stacks, 3rd Floor
When: April 2nd—6th, 2007 (During Spring Break)
Only class reserves will be available during this time.
Full service resumes: April 9th, 2007.
2 day loans checked out March 29 & 30th
7 day loans checked out March 24—30th
will be due on April 9th
Posted by
Melville Library
11:06 AM
Monday, February 19, 2007
Library Copy Card Update
The West Campus libraries will be implementing some changes during the spring semester, by converting some of our photocopy machines in order to utilize the university I.D. card for making copies.
Please use up any photo-copy cards (Copy Mate or Standard Security) that you may still own. These copy cards will still be usable during the spring semester in a restricted manner - not all service units will have a copier that will accept these copy cards. There will be no refunds for any unused value left on these cards. If there are any questions please call 632-7138 for information.
Posted by
Melville Library
11:55 AM
Monday, February 12, 2007
Endnote Training. Feb 28 at 1.00pm
Managing Your Research Using Endnote: Basic Skills
Wednesday, February 28, 2007 @ 1-2:30 PM
Central Reading Room, Classroom A
Creating the bibliography is often the most tedious part of writing a research paper. Using EndNote, a bibliographic management software program, this task just became much easier.
In this workshop learn:
How to create an EndNote Library
How to download results from a literature search into EndNote
How to organize your EndNote Library
How to insert your references into a MS Word document
How to format your bibliography
Posted by
Melville Library
6:51 PM
STARS Training. Feb 23 at 10.00 am
STARS Intermediate:
Finding Books and other Stuff @ SBU Libraries
Friday, February 23, 2007 @ 10 AM
Central Reading Room, Classroom A
STARS =Stony Brook’s online catalog
Learn how to …
Find books
Find journals
Review your borrower information
Renew books online
Check Course Reserves
Plus much more
Posted by
Melville Library
6:45 PM
New Exhibit Chronicles Stony Brook University
A new exhibit in the North Reading Room of the Main Library titled "From Forests and Fields to Bricks and Mortar" illustrates the growth of Stony Brook University through the use of images from the vast photographic collection maintained by Special Collections and University Archives. It is presented in celebration of Stony Brook University's 50th Anniversary. The exhibit features as its centerpiece the original architectural model used by former University President John S. Toll in the 1960s and early 1970s to plan the campus. Accompanying the 1971 model are 14 aerial photographs and maps that illustrate the rapid growth of the campus and the forecasted impact the University would have on the region.
The exhibit will be on display through May and was organized by Special Collections and University Archives.
Posted by
Melville Library
9:32 AM
Monday, January 08, 2007
Time to Renew !
Faculty, Management Confidential and Professional staff who currently have library materials from the Main, Music and Science/Engineering Libraries with a due date of Dec. 22, 2006 are urged to renew at this time.
The new due date, after properly renewing, will be May 15, 2007.
For information on how to renew via STARS/OPAC, please visit the circulation page.
Use your NetID and NetID password to log in to your account.
To renew in person, please present your ID card to service desk staff. It is not necessary to bring the material into the library in order to have them renewed. There are no phone renewals.
Thank you.
Posted by
Melville Library
11:57 AM
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Library and TLT Team Up For Workshops
On January 10th and 11th Stony Brook's new Teaching, Learning and Technology Department (CELT, Educational Technologies & Instructional Computing) and the Library will be offering workshops for all faculty, staff, and graduate teaching assistants who are interested in exploring teaching, learning and technology. See the registration page for time and day details.
Workshops include:
.: ARTstor - Not Just For Art Classes!
.: Blackboard 7.1 - Classroom management
.: Blackboard 7.1 Discussion Board - New & Improved?
.: Blackboard Faculty Showcase
.: Creating Home Movies
.: Creating Podcasts with Garageband
.: E-Government and Library Resources for New York State and Long Island
.: Empowering Learning in Higher Education - Apple Computers
.: Enhanced Podcasts for Windows using PowerPoint and Producer
.: Introduction to Endnote X
.: Personal Knowledge Management - Strategies and software to handle information overload
.: Podcasting Roundtable
.: Stony Brook Space: The University Libraries' Digital Repository
.: Teaching, Learning and Technology Resources at Stony Brook University
.: Ten Surprising Web Resources to Help Undergraduate Research
.: The Power and Pitfalls of Google Scholar
.: The TEACH Act for Instructors
Registration is free, however you must register for each workshop that you would like to attend.
To register and for more information, visit our registration website: http://apu.celt.sunysb.edu/joomla/
Sessions that have fewer then 5 participants will be canceled.
If you have questions, please contact :
Diana Pedagno Voss
Coordinator of Instructional Computing Services
Posted by
Melville Library
3:28 PM