Did you know that the Library sells used books? Our sale shelves are on the third floor of the Main Library, opposite the Circulation Desk. These are mostly gift donations that are not appropriate for our collection or are already owned by the library. There are also books that have been weeded from our stacks. Come and browse hundreds of titles in the following subjects: History, Political Science, General Literature, Computers, Science, Sociology, Philosophy, Religion, Linguistics, Business and Economics. We even have LPs! The prices are 5 books for $1.00 from our "clearance" section, or range from $.50 to $1.50 for most of the other items.
-- DaVid
Friday, September 29, 2006
Book Sale!
Posted by
Melville Library
4:14 PM
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
SUNY Shared Collection
A comprehensive collection of university press books should be available to Stony Brook faculty and students. Toward this goal the university center libraries have launched a pilot project creating a shared collection jointly owned by all SUNY Center (Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, SBU) libraries. While the Stony Brook libraries have collaborated with other libraries in purchasing electronic material, this the first time we have tried such a model for physical items. This year each of the four libraries contributed $10,000 toward the purchase of all the 2006 imprints of eight major university presses. The presses selected are: Michigan, Chicago, Duke, Harvard, Yale, Minnesota, Washington, and Cornell. For our contribution of $10,000 we will have access to $40,000 worth of material. The 2006 imprints will be held at Albany and Binghamton. Stony Brook and Buffalo will house 2007 imprints. Cataloging records will be entered into local catalogs and books off-campus will be requested through interlibrary loan. Faculty and graduate students will have a three-month loan period. If the pilot succeeds, researchers will have easy access to a larger pool of research monographs than Stony Brook alone could afford. The experience for Stony Brook patrons will be similar to having the books in our own stacks.
Posted by
Melville Library
3:07 PM
Monday, September 25, 2006
Attention SBU Authors!
SUNY Membership in BioMed Central through March 2007
SUNY has an institutional membership in BioMed Central (http://www.biomedcentral.com) through March 2007. This membership allows authors at SUNY state operated institutions to submit articles to this publisher of over 100 open access journals (membership fee covers editing and peer review management charges). Thanks to the SUNY Health Science Centers and to the NYS-UUP Joint Labor Management Committee for their assistance in this regard.
Posted by
Melville Library
4:36 PM
Friday, September 22, 2006
STARS Intermediate - Workshop 9/26
STARS Intermediate:
Finding Books and other stuff @ SBU
•STARS =Stony Brook’s online catalog
•Find books
•Review your borrower information
•Renew books online
•Course Reserves
•Plus much more
Tuesday, September 26, 2006 @ 10 AM
To register for one of these or any of our other workshops, please click here.
Posted by
Melville Library
11:18 AM
Library Research: The Basics - Workshop 10/5/06
You have a 15-page paper due and don’t know where to begin. In this workshop you can learn how to get started with your research, where to look for information (books, articles, and websites), how to narrow your topic using subject headings or keywords, how to evaluate sources, and how to create a bibliography.
Thursday, October 5, 2006 @ 1 PM
To register for one of these or any of our other workshops, please click here.
Posted by
Melville Library
11:14 AM
OneWebDay: Sept 22, 2006
Sept 22, 2006 marks the first OneWebDay - a day the organizers hope will become an annual event. Modeled after Earth Day, OneWebDay is a day to celebrate online life. Events across the globe have been organized, including one in NYC at The Battery from noon-2.00. Speakers include Craig Newmark from craigslist, Scott Heiferman from Meetup, Drew Schutte from WIRED, Gale Brewer from the NYC City Council, and others.
Read an article about OneWebDay at The Register, or go directly to the OneWebDay (http://www.onewebday.org/) website for more information.
Posted by
Melville Library
9:09 AM
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Where are the Journal Articles?
Workshop 10/3
You’ve been asked to write a research paper using at least three journal articles from peer-reviewed journals. What does that mean and how do you find them? This workshop will go over what peer-reviewed means, where to find the articles, how to find out if an article is or isn’t peer-reviewed and which databases are best for which subject matter.
Come to our Journal Articles workshop on Oct 3rd at 1.00
To register for one of these or any of our other workshops, please click here.
Posted by
Melville Library
11:08 AM
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Melville Library Author Series begins on September 28 at 7:30 p.m.
On Thursday, September 28 at 7:30 p.m., faculty author Fred Gardaphe will discuss his new book From Wiseguys to Wise Men in the Center for Italian Studies, Melville Library, E-4340.
As the real American gangsters of yesterday recede into history, their iconic figures loom larger than ever. From Wiseguys to Wise Men studies the cultural figure of the gangster and explores his social function in the construction and projection of masculinity in the United States. In the hands of Italian-American writers, the gangster becomes a telling figure in the tale of American race, gender, and ethnicity - a figure reflecting the experience of an immigrant group and the fantasy of a native population.
Books will be available for purchase at the program. Reception to follow. Sponsored by the University Libraries and the Center for Italian Studies.
Posted by
Melville Library
4:14 PM
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
We thank the Circulation staff for their efforts!
by DaVid
The University Library’s Main Circulation Services is happy to report that our Reserve units, both Regular and Electronic, are off to a busy start. As of Tuesday, Sept 12th, there have been 103 submissions for Main Regular Reserve -- over 500 items processed -- and 49 submissions for Main E-Reserve, with 165 scanned articles placed in Blackboard.
Since the opening of classes, we've had 2,557 loans, 179 reserve loans, 198 renewals. We have also checked in 1,306 items and placed 172 holds.
Circulation also welcomes back 18 of our student workers from the Fall/Spring and 5 more who remained with us from the summer. We have an outstanding group of student workers who do a great job helping our users and getting the books back on the shelves in a timely manner.
Posted by
Melville Library
5:30 PM
Monday, September 11, 2006
Sometimes we need just a little help….
Performing research can sometimes be daunting for even the most seasoned researcher. In order to help you make make this task go smoothly the library offers many workshops throughout the semester. Whether your research skills are beginner, intermediate or advanced our librarians are ready and willing to assist you.
Melville Library’s Instruction Team invites all students, faculty and staff to join us for our upcoming workshops:
STARS Intermediate: Finding Books and other stuff @SBU
This workshop takes place on Tuesday, September 26, 2006 @ 10 AM in the Central Reading Room, classroom A. You will learn how to find books and journals, how to review your borrowing information, how to renew books online and more.
Managing Your Research Using Endnote
This workshop will give you the information needed to start using this powerful software program to create your own database of citations. You will learn how you can use it to easily create a bibliography for your research paper. Our first Endnote workshop is scheduled for Friday, September 29, 2006 @10AM in the Central Reading Room, classroom A.
To register for one of these or any of our other workshops, please click here.
Posted by
Melville Library
2:20 PM