Stony Brook University Libraries has acquired an American Revolution wartime letter from General Nathaniel Woodhull to General Philip Schuyler written from New York on March 4, 1776.
Nathaniel Woodhull, the eldest son of Nathaniel Wodhull and Sarah Smith, was born at St. George’s Manor, Mastic, Long Island, on December 30, 1722. His first employment was in a military capacity in the war between Great Britain and France from1754-1760. He was appointed major in the Provincial forces of New York and served in the army under General Abercrombie. In 1760, he served as Colonel of the Third Regiment, New York Provincials, under General Jeffrey Amherst, which marched against Montreal and effected the final reduction of Canada. He was appointed to head the combined militias of Suffolk and Queens Counties in 1775.
Nathaniel Woodhull was captured and fatally injured by the British in August of 1776. He died on Sept. 20, 1776, at the age of 54 and was buried at his Mastic home.
Stony Brook’s Special Collections, with a contribution from Dr. Henry Laufer and State funds provided by Assemblyman Steven Englebright acquired a letter from George Washington to Major Benjamin Tallmadge in May 2006. Plans for an exhibition featuring the two letters are in development.
Monday, November 27, 2006
University Libraries Acquire American Revolution Wartime Letter
Posted by
Melville Library
10:07 AM
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving
Just a reminder that during holidays it's a good idea to check the library website for the libraries' hours: Library Hours
For the Thanksgiving Holiday all libraries close at 5.00pm on Wednesday, Nov 22, and remain closed through Saturday, Nov 25th.
The main library reopens at noon on Sunday the 26th; the Chemistry and Math branches reopen at 2pm.
Posted by
Melville Library
4:55 PM
Monday, November 20, 2006
A Message to BUS 110 Students
In the Fall 2006 semester the librarians provided instruction to approximately 480 of you. You were taught strategies for finding company information through the library’s business databases. How did you all manage? Was the class helpful and did you use our databases? Please take a moment to fill out this short follow-up survey.
Thank you from Susan Lieberthal, Business Librarian, and the Instruction Librarians of the Stony Brook Libraries.
Posted by
Melville Library
4:11 PM
Monday, October 23, 2006
NY State Library features SBU historical maps site
The Web Team of the New York State Library is featuring SUNY Stony Brook's "New York State Historical Maps" as their "Featured Site" for October 2006.
Each month the NY State Library picks a site that they feel is of interest and use to a large number of New Yorkers, is unique or outstanding in its subject area, and is available online in accessible format. The author is usually a New York State or U.S. government or related agency/group, official standards organization, academic or non-profit organization, etc.
To see the NY State Library Featured Site, go to
Or from the New York State Library's home page at, scroll down to the Quick List, and select "Featured Site" from the drop-down menu.
Posted by
Melville Library
9:58 AM
Monday, October 02, 2006
October Library Workshops
Where are the Journal Articles?
Tuesday, October 3, 2006 @1 PM
You’ve been asked to write a research paper using at least three journal articles from peer-reviewed journals. What does that mean and how do you find them? This workshop will go over what peer-reviewed means, where to find the articles, how to find out if an article is or isn’t peer-reviewed and which databases are best for which subject matter.
Library Research: The Basics
Thursday, October 5, 2006 @ 1 PM
You have a 15 page paper due and don’t know where to begin. In this workshop, learn how to get started doing research, where to look for information (books, articles, and websites), narrowing your topic down, using subject headings vs. keywords, evaluating sources and creating a bibliography.
Managing Your Research Using EndNote
Tuesday, October 10, 2006 @ 2 PM
Creating the bibliography is often the most tedious part of writing a research paper. Using EndNote, a bibliographic management software program, this task just became much easier. In this workshop learn the basics of: how to download results from a literature search into EndNote, and then into a MS Word document, and manage several lists at the same time.
Extreme Googling
Wednesday, October 11, 2006 @12 PM
See a Librarian reveal some of the secret powers of Google’s amazing search engine. Learn new ways to defy ignorance and the merely unthinkable. See Google challenge scholarship and lose! Watch as Google redefines the law! Go places you never dreamed were possible sitting down! Discussion and live demonstrations of: Google Images, Google Video, Search Operators, Google Maps, Google Local, Google Earth, Number Searches, Google Statistics, Google Scholar, Definitions, Google Geekery, Google Trends.
Citations: How to Read ’em & How to Write ’em.
Thursday, October 19, 2006 @12 PM
In this workshop you will:
* learn how to recognize a citation for a book, an article, or a website.
* become familiar with the components of a citation and how to locate the source it represents.
* get overview of different citation styles one can use when writing an article or paper.
* learn why correct usage is important when trying to avoid plagiarism in your own work.
Searching the Internet Like a Pro: Tips for Expert Searching
Wednesday, October 25, 2006 @ 11 AM
There is so much more online than you think. Find out about tools and tips for searching online. Whether you’re looking for articles for a research paper or for personal use, this workshop will surely inform. Find out what meta-search engines are and all about the Deep (or Invisible) Web. Also learn a little about evaluating what you find. Bring questions and tips and tricks to share with others, we can all learn from each other. Send questions ahead by email.
To register for a workshop visit the Instruction Webpage.
Posted by
Melville Library
9:28 AM
Library Tours in October
Take a tour of the Melville Library’s main public service areas. Learn about our collections and services and get some freebies while you’re here. Meet us @ the Central Reading Room, Melville Library. All tours run about 25-30 minutes. Check website for more details:
Fri., October 6 @ 10 AM
Wed., October 11 @ 1 PM
Posted by
Melville Library
9:16 AM
Friday, September 29, 2006
Book Sale!
Did you know that the Library sells used books? Our sale shelves are on the third floor of the Main Library, opposite the Circulation Desk. These are mostly gift donations that are not appropriate for our collection or are already owned by the library. There are also books that have been weeded from our stacks. Come and browse hundreds of titles in the following subjects: History, Political Science, General Literature, Computers, Science, Sociology, Philosophy, Religion, Linguistics, Business and Economics. We even have LPs! The prices are 5 books for $1.00 from our "clearance" section, or range from $.50 to $1.50 for most of the other items.
-- DaVid
Posted by
Melville Library
4:14 PM
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
SUNY Shared Collection
A comprehensive collection of university press books should be available to Stony Brook faculty and students. Toward this goal the university center libraries have launched a pilot project creating a shared collection jointly owned by all SUNY Center (Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, SBU) libraries. While the Stony Brook libraries have collaborated with other libraries in purchasing electronic material, this the first time we have tried such a model for physical items. This year each of the four libraries contributed $10,000 toward the purchase of all the 2006 imprints of eight major university presses. The presses selected are: Michigan, Chicago, Duke, Harvard, Yale, Minnesota, Washington, and Cornell. For our contribution of $10,000 we will have access to $40,000 worth of material. The 2006 imprints will be held at Albany and Binghamton. Stony Brook and Buffalo will house 2007 imprints. Cataloging records will be entered into local catalogs and books off-campus will be requested through interlibrary loan. Faculty and graduate students will have a three-month loan period. If the pilot succeeds, researchers will have easy access to a larger pool of research monographs than Stony Brook alone could afford. The experience for Stony Brook patrons will be similar to having the books in our own stacks.
Posted by
Melville Library
3:07 PM
Monday, September 25, 2006
Attention SBU Authors!
SUNY Membership in BioMed Central through March 2007
SUNY has an institutional membership in BioMed Central ( through March 2007. This membership allows authors at SUNY state operated institutions to submit articles to this publisher of over 100 open access journals (membership fee covers editing and peer review management charges). Thanks to the SUNY Health Science Centers and to the NYS-UUP Joint Labor Management Committee for their assistance in this regard.
Posted by
Melville Library
4:36 PM
Friday, September 22, 2006
STARS Intermediate - Workshop 9/26
STARS Intermediate:
Finding Books and other stuff @ SBU
•STARS =Stony Brook’s online catalog
•Find books
•Review your borrower information
•Renew books online
•Course Reserves
•Plus much more
Tuesday, September 26, 2006 @ 10 AM
To register for one of these or any of our other workshops, please click here.
Posted by
Melville Library
11:18 AM
Library Research: The Basics - Workshop 10/5/06
You have a 15-page paper due and don’t know where to begin. In this workshop you can learn how to get started with your research, where to look for information (books, articles, and websites), how to narrow your topic using subject headings or keywords, how to evaluate sources, and how to create a bibliography.
Thursday, October 5, 2006 @ 1 PM
To register for one of these or any of our other workshops, please click here.
Posted by
Melville Library
11:14 AM
OneWebDay: Sept 22, 2006
Sept 22, 2006 marks the first OneWebDay - a day the organizers hope will become an annual event. Modeled after Earth Day, OneWebDay is a day to celebrate online life. Events across the globe have been organized, including one in NYC at The Battery from noon-2.00. Speakers include Craig Newmark from craigslist, Scott Heiferman from Meetup, Drew Schutte from WIRED, Gale Brewer from the NYC City Council, and others.
Read an article about OneWebDay at The Register, or go directly to the OneWebDay ( website for more information.
Posted by
Melville Library
9:09 AM
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Where are the Journal Articles?
Workshop 10/3
You’ve been asked to write a research paper using at least three journal articles from peer-reviewed journals. What does that mean and how do you find them? This workshop will go over what peer-reviewed means, where to find the articles, how to find out if an article is or isn’t peer-reviewed and which databases are best for which subject matter.
Come to our Journal Articles workshop on Oct 3rd at 1.00
To register for one of these or any of our other workshops, please click here.
Posted by
Melville Library
11:08 AM
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Melville Library Author Series begins on September 28 at 7:30 p.m.
On Thursday, September 28 at 7:30 p.m., faculty author Fred Gardaphe will discuss his new book From Wiseguys to Wise Men in the Center for Italian Studies, Melville Library, E-4340.
As the real American gangsters of yesterday recede into history, their iconic figures loom larger than ever. From Wiseguys to Wise Men studies the cultural figure of the gangster and explores his social function in the construction and projection of masculinity in the United States. In the hands of Italian-American writers, the gangster becomes a telling figure in the tale of American race, gender, and ethnicity - a figure reflecting the experience of an immigrant group and the fantasy of a native population.
Books will be available for purchase at the program. Reception to follow. Sponsored by the University Libraries and the Center for Italian Studies.
Posted by
Melville Library
4:14 PM
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
We thank the Circulation staff for their efforts!
by DaVid
The University Library’s Main Circulation Services is happy to report that our Reserve units, both Regular and Electronic, are off to a busy start. As of Tuesday, Sept 12th, there have been 103 submissions for Main Regular Reserve -- over 500 items processed -- and 49 submissions for Main E-Reserve, with 165 scanned articles placed in Blackboard.
Since the opening of classes, we've had 2,557 loans, 179 reserve loans, 198 renewals. We have also checked in 1,306 items and placed 172 holds.
Circulation also welcomes back 18 of our student workers from the Fall/Spring and 5 more who remained with us from the summer. We have an outstanding group of student workers who do a great job helping our users and getting the books back on the shelves in a timely manner.
Posted by
Melville Library
5:30 PM
Monday, September 11, 2006
Sometimes we need just a little help….
Performing research can sometimes be daunting for even the most seasoned researcher. In order to help you make make this task go smoothly the library offers many workshops throughout the semester. Whether your research skills are beginner, intermediate or advanced our librarians are ready and willing to assist you.
Melville Library’s Instruction Team invites all students, faculty and staff to join us for our upcoming workshops:
STARS Intermediate: Finding Books and other stuff @SBU
This workshop takes place on Tuesday, September 26, 2006 @ 10 AM in the Central Reading Room, classroom A. You will learn how to find books and journals, how to review your borrowing information, how to renew books online and more.
Managing Your Research Using Endnote
This workshop will give you the information needed to start using this powerful software program to create your own database of citations. You will learn how you can use it to easily create a bibliography for your research paper. Our first Endnote workshop is scheduled for Friday, September 29, 2006 @10AM in the Central Reading Room, classroom A.
To register for one of these or any of our other workshops, please click here.
Posted by
Melville Library
2:20 PM
Monday, August 28, 2006
Library Tours in September & October
Take a tour of the Melville Library's main public service areas. Learn about our collections and services and get some freebies while you're here. Meet us @ the Central Reading Room, Melville Library. All tours run about 25-30 minutes. Check the Instruction website for more details.
Currently scheduled tours:
Tue, Sep 5 @ 9am, 11am, 1pm, 4pm
Fri, Sep 8 @ 11am
Mon, Sep 11 @ 6pm
Tue, Sep 12 @ 1pm
Wed, Sep 20 @ 11am
Thu, Sep 28 @ 2pm
Fri, Oct 6 @ 10am
Wed, Oct 11 @ 1pm
Posted by
Melville Library
9:56 AM
Monday, August 21, 2006
Important NetID announcement
More Computer Services to use NetID for Authentication
On August 23, 2006 at 8:30 AM the following computer services will change authentication routines to use NetID and NetID password as the only method of authentication:
- Dial in modems Connection to the University
- Campus Wireless service AirNet wireless network (open till 9/1/2006)
- Work-At-Home (VPN) service Encrypted connection to Campus network
- EZ-Proxy Library research databases from off Campus
- STARS Library My Account
To set your NetID sign on to SOLAR and click on Set Your NetID Password.
General information about NetIDs can be found on this Client Services page:
Specific information about finding and setting your ID can be found here:
Posted by
Melville Library
10:58 AM
Friday, August 11, 2006
Collection Spotlight: Korean Studies
About the Korean Studies Collection
by Kyungmi Lee
The Korean Studies Collection was established in 1987 to support the teaching and research of faculty and students in the Korean Studies Program at Stony Brook University. Starting with only 100 books, the Korean Studies Collection has steadily increased through the years and now includes more than 20,000 monographs and periodicals. The collection is comprised of a wide range of subject areas including Korean arts, anthropology, folklore, history, linguistics, literature, musicology, religion, philosophy, political science and sociology.
The majority of the collection is in Korean, with large portions in Japanese and Chinese and some European languages; all relate to Korean studies. The collection contains scholarly journals, research papers, and reports as well as dictionaries and historical resources. In addition, there are many North Korean publications, out-of-print publications and rare books.All of the Korean collection materials are searchable both in English and Korean in STARS. The Melville Library has recently purchased a full-text online database (KISS), the Choson Ilbo Newspaper Archive and an E-book collection to better serve users of the Korean studies collection.
About Korean Studies Online databases
Koreanstudies Information Service System (KISS) is one of the major scholarly databases in the field of Korean studies. This full-text database consists of more than 800,000 journal articles, dissertations and research papers from over 1,200 academic research institutions. Available only to students, staff and faculty of Stony Brook University. Ilbo Newspaper Archive provides full-text PDF of the Choson Ilbo newspaper (one of the most widely subscribed newspapers in Korea). It is a great reference tool for any Korean studies researchers as it covers happenings from 1920 to present. Available only to students, staff and faculty of Stony Brook University.
E-books: Provides over 1,500 monographs in humanities, social sciences, medical science, etc, Titles in E-book collection are available at
For more information about the Korean studies collection, please visit the Korean Studies Collection Website at
Posted by
Melville Library
2:09 PM
Friday, August 04, 2006
Using Library Resources Saves You Time and Money
When that research paper is assigned do you ever wish you had better resources than those Google often retrieves? While you may get about 30,000,000 hits, seldom are they of much substance for academic research. Sure, sometimes you hit the jackpot right away, but other times you end up wasting your efforts sifting through an endless number of websites or you’re asked to pay to access that perfect article. How can you tell if that article is even good enough to include in your paper, when you know anyone can publish anything on the web? And what if your professor says you cannot use the internet? Then what? Shouldn’t research be easier?
Well it can be easier and quicker if you have the right tools-and the Melville Library has those tools for you. The library subscribes to many, many article indexes and full-text databases where perhaps the exact article/s that you were looking for can be found quickly and easily and probably in full-text. That means the whole article is there for printing or downloading free of charge to you. These databases are often searched differently* than Google, retrieving results that are much more focused and precise thus saving you time and money. We also have e-books and many other resources. Excited? To learn more, read on and also check out our website.
The library not only provides the resources, but also gives you the know-how to use them. Throughout the semester there are many opportunities to take workshops that increase your awareness of what the library has and to help make your lives easier when conducting research. Whether you want to know how to find articles in the databases, how to use the internet more effectively, how to avoid plagiarism or how to manage your research using a software program called EndNote, we have a workshop just for you. If you do not see a workshop convenient to your schedule, we can arrange one for any group or class of 5 or more. In addition, we are dedicated to providing help on an individual basis at the reference desk or through a private consultation.
Any finally, for those do-it-yourselfers out there, we have an in-depth tutorial describing the whole research process, step-by-step. You may also check our Instruction page for links to other resources like research guides and tutorials.
Hope to see you at the library! We always welcome questions or comments:
Karen Kostner, Assistant Instruction Librarian.
* Just remember when using the databases think in terms of concepts and keywords. Do not type in a sentence. Join the keywords together using Boolean operators: AND, OR and NOT.
AND retrieves records that contain both terms, therefore it narrows your search.
For example: cats AND dogs. All articles retrieved must contain both cats AND dogs.
OR retrieves records that contain either term; thereby broadening your search.
Example: cats OR dogs. Results are all articles with cats and all articles with dogs.
NOT omits records that that you do not want, narrows your search.
Example: cats NOT dogs, retrieves all articles with cats but omits those that also contain dogs.
Posted by
Melville Library
10:24 AM
Friday, July 28, 2006
Library Staff Welcome New Students
by Susan Lieberthal
The Library Staff at the Melville Library has been participating all summer in the numerous orientation days organized for new incoming students at Stony Brook. Orientation begins in the lobby of the SAC. Several vendors and university departments take tables to show the services they offer students. The library staff started off using the counter at the north side of the lobby. This seemed to marginalize us and lately we have taken one of the tables in order to be closer to the flow of students and their parents.
We have distributed some leaflets about the library and the campus in general. We have also given out many “freebies” consisting of refrigerator magnets with the library’s URL printed on it, and post-its with the library’s URL printed on them. The library is in possession of a large green table covering with our logo and this is laid out on the table before each orientation. We also have a screen shot of our home page which has been made into a laminated board and sits nicely on the table.
The magnets have proven very popular with parents. However, pointing out the URL on the magnet has been a useful way to talk to students about our rich database collection that is available to them once they have their student ID.
The library staff began by staffing every orientation. It soon became clear that our time was not spent in a constructive way on the days when there were the very small orientations for specialized groups. We therefore decided to participate only when the large groups had their orientation. I for one was very busy welcoming students, their parents, handing out freebies and bragging about how many databases we had.
Posted by
Melville Library
4:41 PM
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Bibliographer Extraordinare!
Janet Clarke, selector for Asian American Studies (and Head of Library Instruction), was a contributing bibliographer for the forthcoming Resources for College Libraries (RCL), which is the long-awaited update to Books for College Libraries, 3rd edition (BCL3), published in 1988. RCL, a print and web resource on essential books for college library collections, will be available in Fall, 2006.
Janet’s contributions to this work are significant: she has incorporated scholarly and creative works germane to the undergraduate Asian American Studies curriculum into the new edition of RCL. The 1988 edition contained no subject headings for Asian American Studies, and less than 20 titles scattered across other traditional disciplines, even though Asian American Studies courses have been taught since 1969. In this new edition of RCL, Asian American Studies has its own chapter with about 1,000 titles.
There has been a considerable increase in scholarly and literary publishing since BCL3 was published. Contemporary works from the late 1980’s to present are emphasized in RCL, with some older classical works included even if they are out-of-print or available only as reprints.
When asked about her work on this project, Janet remarked: "Those of us in the field knew there was a real need for a collection development resource like RCL for Asian American Studies, so I felt very excited to be part of this project."
More information about Resources for College Libraries is available from
Posted by
Melville Library
11:31 AM
Monday, July 17, 2006
Avoiding Plagiarism
by Susan Kaufman
What is all the buzz about plagiarism today and why does it really matter? Consider the following:
- Doris Kearns Goodwin, a Pulitzer winning historian for her book, No Ordinary Time (1995), full professor at Harvard, commentator on celebrated news hours and judge for the Pulitzer competition recently acknowledged lifting several passages from other authors for her 1987 best seller The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys. She was forced to resign from these positions. In addition, several universities withdrew their initiations for speaking engagements.
- David Kelly, weapons inspector and advisor to the British Ministry of Defense believed the weapons inspection report in Iraq was inaccurate and soon after Tony Blair authorized involvement in the war on Iraq, Kelly committed suicide.
- Joe Biden, a democratic presidential hopeful, was accused of plagiarism regarding certain passages in speeches and interviews he borrowed from British politician Neil Kinnock. He withdrew is candidacy.
- Eugene Tobin, the President of Hamilton College, resigned after admitting to improperly attributing his sources in a speech he gave to incoming freshmen.
- The president of Southwest Texas State University resigned when his dissertation was found to be plagiarized. He lost not only his job but his doctorate was well.
Today, more than ever, it is very easy to commit plagiarism. We cut and paste the information we find online without regard to where it comes from and who wrote it. Why should we, if it is on the net, it must be ok to use: it is just information; it is free information… not exactly.
Plagiarism is the unacknowledged use of somebody else’s words, ideas, images, sounds or creative expression. It includes having a friend write a paper for you, submitting the same paper for more than one class and downloading or buying a term paper from the web. Another’s work includes laboratory data, computer programs, physical models, chemical samples, photographs, tables and graphs. In other words, whatever isn’t your idea or work is plagiarism, except for one thing: common knowledge. You do not have to cite common knowledge.
What is common knowledge? Common knowledge is an idea(s) taken for granted by people knowledgeable about the topic. Facts easily found in standard reference books are considered common knowledge. In some disciplines, information covered in class lectures do not need acknowledgement. Some interpretive ideas also are so well accepted that they don’t need referencing, such as the idea that Picasso is a distinguished modernist painter or that smoking is harmful to health.
If you would like to learn more about plagiarism, a workshop is being offered by the library. You will learn misconceptions about plagiarism as well as strategies that can be used to keep yourself from getting into very hot water….like expulsion from the university….ouch.
For detailed information about this and other library workshops, see or call 632-7110 for registration.
Posted by
Melville Library
5:22 PM
Thursday, June 29, 2006
July 3rd Library Hours
Library Schedule for July 3 (Monday)
Circulation, Central Reading Room (CRR) and North Reading Room (NRR) will be open as follows:
CRR 8:30 AM - 11:00 PM
All branch libraries - including Math/Physics, Computer Science, Chemistry, MASIC and Music - will be closed at 5 p.m.
Posted by
Melville Library
2:48 PM
Friday, June 23, 2006
Library Staff Acknowledged
It's always nice to know your work is appreciated!
Three Melville library staff have been recognized by author Frederick Brown in the Acknowledgments section of his latest book Flaubert: A Biography (Little, Brown, and Company: 2006). Donna Sammis from Interlibrary Loan, David Weiner from Circulation, and former staffer Kathleen Horan, also from Circulation, were praised by Brown for their "indulgence and unstinting efforts on [his] behalf".
For Sammis, this is at least the third book in which her skill in providing interlibrary loan materials has been recognized. In 2004, Amanda Frisken credited Sammis for assistance in confirming Woodhull's lecture tours in the book entitled Victoria Woodhull's Sexual Revolution: Political Theater and the Popular Press in Nineteenth-Century America (Univ. of Pennsylvania Press). Thomas Kerth, in the preface to his translation of Ulrich von Zatzikhoven's Lanzelet (Columbia Univ. Press: 2005), kindly states that the bibliographic portions of his work would not have been possible without the assistance of the Interlibrary Loan department and specifically thanks Sammis for her active interest in the project.
Posted by
Melville Library
10:27 AM
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Washington's Secrets: University Acquires President's Letter to Spymaster
Stony Brook University has acquired a secret wartime letter from Gen. George Washington to his chief spy for $96,000 at an auction at Christie’s in Manhattan. Written from “Head Quarters Westpoint” on Sept. 24, 1779, the missive to Gen. Benjamin Tallmadge, the Revolutionary Army’s spymaster, focuses on the activities of Robert Townsend, another secret agent, from Oyster Bay, Long Island. The letter, signed as Commander in Chief by Washington, refers to Townsend by his code name, Culper Jr., and refers to techniques used in the spying, including invisible ink.
Stony Brook’s Special Collections, with a contribution from Henry Laufer (a former Mathematics professor at the University) and State funds provided by Assemblyman Steven Englebright, acquired the letter, which will be on display at the University. The location of the display will be announced in the next few months. (Please click here for more information)
Posted by
Melville Library
12:54 PM
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Summer Borrowing Privileges
All students (including doctoral candidates) must be registered for the Summer or Fall semester in order to qualify for Summer library borrowing privileges.
After registering, it can take 24 to 36 hours for registration information to be reflected on your borrowing record. At that time, you may renew your material at the library or online. All library patrons are responsible for checking their STARS accounts online to ensure that items have been properly renewed and that no materials are overdue. Patrons are liable for any library fines accrued.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Posted by
Melville Library
10:37 AM
Time to renew your library materials
Faculty, Management Confidential, Emeritus and Professional staff who currently have borrowed library material from the Main, Music and/or Science/Engineering Library, with a due date of May 16, 2006 are urged to renew at this time. The new due date, after properly renewing, will be December 22, 2006.
For information on how to renew via STARS/OPAC, please go to the renewal info page.
To renew in person, please present your ID card to service desk staff. It is not necessary to bring the material into the library in order to have them renewed. There are no phone renewals.
Thank you.
Posted by
Melville Library
10:34 AM
Monday, May 01, 2006
Lecture and Reception in Celebration of the Richard Vetere Collection on Tuesday, May 2
Richard Vetere will be on campus to visit classes and participate in a dedication ceremony for his archive to Stony Brook University Library's Special Collections Department. His novel, The Third Miracle, will be available for purchase and book signing by the author. Coffee reception following ceremonies. Please join us on Tuesday, May 2 at 1 pm in the Center for Italian Studies, Melville Library, room E-4340. Free and open to the public. Sponsored by the Center for Italian Studies and the University Libraries.
Posted by
Melville Library
1:29 PM
Changes in Library Fines (Important)
Beginning on June 1, 2006 the following important changes will go into effect:
The library borrowing block will decrease from $15.00 to $5.00.
Overdue fines for hourly Reserve items will increase from 2 cents per minute to 10 cents.
Maximum overdue fines for regular loan books will increase from $10.00 to $15.00.
The maximum fine for Reserve loans will increase from $20.00 to $85.00.
Posted by
Melville Library
12:27 PM
Friday, April 14, 2006
Welcome to the University Libraries' new blog! We’ve packaged together a variety of library happenings in a way that will help you easily stay informed. Each area of our blog has an RSS feed that you can add to your newsreader or browser bookmarks to better track what’s going on at your library.
Hang out on The Screen Porch to hear about library news and upcoming events.
Spend some time in our Screenings area to learn about new electronic resources we’re testing or that we’ve recently acquired.
For something completely different read the Screen Play, where library columnist Paul Wiener shows you some of the sites that have changed the nature of attention.
Keep an eye on the library blog, as you never know what might happen here!
Posted by
Melville Library
4:54 PM
Change in library hours for Sunday, Apr. 16th
Change in library hours for Sunday, Apr. 16th: only the Central and North Reading Rooms in Melville Library will be open; all other libraries will be closed.
Posted by
Melville Library
10:59 AM
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Reminder for Students - Borrowing Privileges
All students (including doctoral candidates) must be registered for the Spring semester in order to qualify for library borrowing privileges and for access to online resources from off campus. After registering, it can take 24 to 36 hours for registration information to be reflected on your borrowing record. At that time, you may renew your material at the library or online. All library patrons are responsible for checking their STARS accounts online to ensure that items have been properly renewed and that no materials are overdue. Patrons are liable for any library fines accrued. Thank you for your cooperation.
Posted by
Melville Library
11:39 AM
Spring Tours and Workshops
Library tours and workshops for Spring 2006 are now available. To find out more, go to the schedule and registration page.
Posted by
Melville Library
11:35 AM